Clark is our cat.
He's a handsome fluffy guy (and by fluffy I mean fat) who loves to be petted and held - sometimes. He loves to be fed - All the time.
I often hear "Clark is in the mood!" to find my youngest child inching along the wall trying to get past Clark with out a claw or heaven forbid teeth coming his way. While Clark lays in a sunbeam flicking his tail and keeping a very close eye on my boy.
I asked my son how he knew that Clark was 'in the mood' and he said "I can tell how he wooks at me, wike he's hungwy or something." So that about sums it up.
Clark is our first cat ever, he was a very tiny kitten when we found him, that I think is the reason he has a love/eat relationship with my children. When he was little, they were little.
When Clark was this age, my boy was this age.
Let's be honest they both caused a lot of trouble.
But, fair warning, when you hear the announcement that "Clark is in the mood" you had better watch out!
Disclaimer: No animals or children were harmed in the making of this post.